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PGDprime has now been updated to address the emerging risk of Acinetobacter contamination in platelets

Due to the recent emergence of Acinetobacter as a platelet contaminant, the FDA has issued a warning to the healthcare community about sepsis from the transfusion of platelets contaminated with this bacteria.  When the original PGD Test was developed, this species had not been reported as a platelet contaminant and as a result the PGD Test was not optimized for its detection.  But with its emergence as a serious platelet contaminant that has been implicated in transfusion fatalities attributed to contaminated pathogen reduced platelets, Verax has implemented a product update to the Platelet PGDprime test.  This update:

  • Has been demonstrated to be sensitive to a wide variety of Acinetobacter isolates
  • Does not degrade the performance of the test in any way
  • Does not change the test procedure in any way
  • Continues to demonstrate an observed specificity of 100% in multi-center trials

Read the FDA Warning

White Paper on Acinetobacter sepsis

Updated PGDprime package insert


Platelet PGDprime, an easier way to test platelets.

PGDprime preserves the performance of our proven Platelet PGD Test, while taking ease of use to a whole new level.

  • Eliminates the need for centrifugation, vortexing*, precision pipetting, and a humidity chamber.
  • Updates wild type Gram negative detection and specificity.
  • Reduces the sample volume from 500µL to just 150µL.
  • Simplifies use and interpretation with an updated test cartridge design.

And Platelet PGDprime still delivers everything you like about the Platelet PGD Test.

  • Safety: Detects contaminated doses that early culture misses
  • Availability: 7-day dating of LRAPs in plasma for reduced outdating
  • Savings: pays for itself through reduced platelet discards with 7-day dating

* Vortex mixing is only needed with WBD post storage pools and single WBDs tested within four hours of transfusion.

Platelet PGDprime includes everything you need to test your platelet inventory.


Platelet PGDprime follows a much simpler test procedure.

1Transfer sample to processing tube with disposable pipette.
2Add reagents 1A and 1B and transfer to well 1 with disposable pipette.
3Add reagent 2 to well 2.

Doses Tested Table*Observed time

Highlights of Platelet PGDprime’s more functional design

PGDprime Specificity Result Summary

Unit Type Table

**Abbreviations for platelets tested: LR WBD = Leukoreduced Whole Blood Derived, LR WBDP = Leukoreduced Whole Blood Derived Pools, LRAP = Leukoreduced Apheresis Platelets, NLR WBD = Non-Leukoreduced Whole Blood Derived, NLR WDBP = Non-Leukoreduced Whole Blood Derived Pools, PAS = LRAPs suspended in PAS-C and plasma, PSP = Pre-Storage LR WBD Pools

***Reported both with (N = 503) and without (N = 502) the sample classified as Ind (indeterminate) because the Initially Reactive result for that sample was only followed up by a single additional test making it impossible to interpret as either Non-Reactive or Repeat Reactive. (Note: The single repeat test performed was Non-Reactive.)